07488 344167


07488 344167


07488 344167

Crown Lifting

Crown lifting is the removal of the lowest branches and is an effective method of increasing light transmission to areas closer to the tree or to enable access under the crown.

Crown lifting should be specified with reference to a fixed point, for example, “crown lift to give 5m clearance above ground level”.

It would be good practice to avoid removing substantial branches growing directly from the trunk. This can cause large wounds on the trunk which may become extensively decayed as they struggle to seal over effectively due to their size. This will lead to long term problems of decay in the trunk of the tree or short term bio-mechanical instability.

Crown lifting on older, mature trees should be restricted to secondary branches or shortening of primary branches rather than their whole removal wherever possible.

If done correctly by an experienced tree surgeon, crown lifting can really help to open up the area around the tree.

Whenever Greater Manchester Tree Services are undertaking a full Tree Reduction we will usually include some crown lifting as part of the tree pruning because it is such an effective method of increasing the transmission of light and a feeling of space in the garden.

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